Saturday, November 10, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Real freedom!
So I have just been spending some time looking at human behaviors lately. I noticed that often times our view of freedom is very off.
As children we desire the "freedoms" of a teenager. As teens we desire the "freedoms" of an adult. All of our life we look forward to a "freedom" of the future, as if our physical maturity or ability to indulge in the pleasures of this world, defines our freedom.
We all have the "freedom" to choose our career path, but most people end up feeling enslaved to their jobs, the clock, or debt. It is pretty ironic that the things we see as our freedoms are also the things that enslave us. Look at sin, one of the odd characteristics of sin is that it is a free act that enslaves you. Sin creates the illusion of freedom, in reality it makes you the cruel tyrant that holds yourself captive. Our self-imposed slavery goes deeper than just the pits we have trapped ourselves in. The tragedy of our imprisonment reaches into the deepest parts of out hearts. Our desire to be free both ignites and betrays us, and more often than not leads us to be completely consumed.
The cravings to sin in our lives have become symbols of our freedom, when at the same time gODs commandments have become symbols of religious oppression. And so as "free" people we can now live beyond what we think are religious restraints?? In reality the commandments of gOD were designed by Him to truly set us free. So to truly be free we must lose all of our "freedoms" for the sake of Christ. Jesus says this in Matthew 10:39- "He who has found his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it". We can be sure that this is true freedom because this is also something the word tells us in Galations 5:1- "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free", and in John 8:36- "So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed".
Whatever Jesus came to do, one thing is clear- He came to set you free. It is important that we do not miss this point. gOD has been so misrepresented. He has been seen as the divine legalist, the eternal killjoy. He has been represented as if He spends His time in eternity designing straight jackets and making shackles just for you. No wonder so many people start running for their lives whenever the name of gOD is mentioned. gOD is not a warden; He is a deliverer. And so eager that He was willing to be taken captive and crucified on your behalf just so you could run free...
"Do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love".
-Galations 5:13.
As children we desire the "freedoms" of a teenager. As teens we desire the "freedoms" of an adult. All of our life we look forward to a "freedom" of the future, as if our physical maturity or ability to indulge in the pleasures of this world, defines our freedom.
We all have the "freedom" to choose our career path, but most people end up feeling enslaved to their jobs, the clock, or debt. It is pretty ironic that the things we see as our freedoms are also the things that enslave us. Look at sin, one of the odd characteristics of sin is that it is a free act that enslaves you. Sin creates the illusion of freedom, in reality it makes you the cruel tyrant that holds yourself captive. Our self-imposed slavery goes deeper than just the pits we have trapped ourselves in. The tragedy of our imprisonment reaches into the deepest parts of out hearts. Our desire to be free both ignites and betrays us, and more often than not leads us to be completely consumed.
The cravings to sin in our lives have become symbols of our freedom, when at the same time gODs commandments have become symbols of religious oppression. And so as "free" people we can now live beyond what we think are religious restraints?? In reality the commandments of gOD were designed by Him to truly set us free. So to truly be free we must lose all of our "freedoms" for the sake of Christ. Jesus says this in Matthew 10:39- "He who has found his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it". We can be sure that this is true freedom because this is also something the word tells us in Galations 5:1- "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free", and in John 8:36- "So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed".
Whatever Jesus came to do, one thing is clear- He came to set you free. It is important that we do not miss this point. gOD has been so misrepresented. He has been seen as the divine legalist, the eternal killjoy. He has been represented as if He spends His time in eternity designing straight jackets and making shackles just for you. No wonder so many people start running for their lives whenever the name of gOD is mentioned. gOD is not a warden; He is a deliverer. And so eager that He was willing to be taken captive and crucified on your behalf just so you could run free...
"Do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love".
-Galations 5:13.
Monday, September 3, 2007
We kill ourselves. Rise up.
Just thinking today and wondering why we always choose the second best... Why do we choose the second best? Its like we are offered a new BMW for twenty dollars or a bicycle for free. The choice should be a very easy one to make. I mean gOD offers us the heavens and all that is in it. gOD offers us a paradise beyond imagination. gOD offers us a love that cannot be explained or even taken in full. gOD offers us a relationship with him... The creator of everything... The reason we live and breathe each day.
The world offers us a false and temporary happiness that we must pay for in one way or another. The world offers a broken family, drug addicted loved ones, you and everyone around you deceived into thinking things are dandy while you sit with a place so empty that you would sell yourself for sex, or load your body with mind altering drugs just so you dont have to cope with reality. So why is the choice so often horribly made?
I say damn this world. Damn the systems that have my loved ones striving for breath. Damn the false happiness this world offers for the price of your very life. Rise up Wesley. Don't settle for this crap. Don't conform to the pattern of this broken society. Rise up Wesley. Rise up. You are a child of gOD. A child to a perfect father. We must accept hIM. Who cares if it takes a little obedience. You obey Satan or gOD anyways... so choose one. I say right now to myself and anyone else with a open ear, don't settle for this world. Don't settle. Don't settle. Don't settle. Choose to follow, and to do it radically.
fATHER give us strength. Reveal to us reality. Reveal to us your value. Sorry I cannot write more. I realize I speak to myself with this passage. Help me gOD.
The world offers us a false and temporary happiness that we must pay for in one way or another. The world offers a broken family, drug addicted loved ones, you and everyone around you deceived into thinking things are dandy while you sit with a place so empty that you would sell yourself for sex, or load your body with mind altering drugs just so you dont have to cope with reality. So why is the choice so often horribly made?
I say damn this world. Damn the systems that have my loved ones striving for breath. Damn the false happiness this world offers for the price of your very life. Rise up Wesley. Don't settle for this crap. Don't conform to the pattern of this broken society. Rise up Wesley. Rise up. You are a child of gOD. A child to a perfect father. We must accept hIM. Who cares if it takes a little obedience. You obey Satan or gOD anyways... so choose one. I say right now to myself and anyone else with a open ear, don't settle for this world. Don't settle. Don't settle. Don't settle. Choose to follow, and to do it radically.
fATHER give us strength. Reveal to us reality. Reveal to us your value. Sorry I cannot write more. I realize I speak to myself with this passage. Help me gOD.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Purify desires
As lovers and believers of Christ do you agree that hE gives us the desires of our hearts? I really do believe this truth now more than ever. However this picture of receiving all that we desire is not always so pretty...
I read today in a book by Jake Colsen that in this kingdom you really do get what you seek (seems to be common knowledge for most of us). I read that is the point of the whole thing. If you desire a true relationship with gOD, you will receive it. As it was written in this book, Most of us would ask "Then why don't I have it? I thought that is what I have been seeking all along". In this book the response to the question was "No doubt, it might have been at first. But this works the other way around as well. If you look at what you've ended up with, then you will know what you have really been seeking!"
What have you ended up with? In my case I have ended up with a life full of a repeated pattern of stumbling and getting back up only to stumble again, a life full of deception, and a mask that still exists in more ways than I would like to admit. I would like to say that my desire was to have an intimate relationship with gOD, free from the veils that blind me from seeing hIM fully. Obviously deception has crept in somewhere, if it was not already present.
I desired a heart focused towards the fATHER and nothing else. In the beginning of my walk my heart may have been slightly correct. I say this because my desires and what I received were very similar. However somewhere in between then and now my heart has put a desire on something else. This goes to show just how deceived we are.
So I ask again, and this time think about what this means, do you believe gOD gives us the desires of our hearts? If so you realize that the desires of our heart are not as pure as they were thought to be. I encourage you to take this truth and ask gOD to examine your heart. Don't settle for less and don't let anything stand that has not been tested by gOD. Take sometime out and truly ask yourself the tough questions like what DO you stand for? What are your desires? Lets ask gOD to repair this place in all of us. Lets ask hIM to rip the veils once again.
Imagine the effect of a people like David, a people truly after the heart of gOD. Imagine the freedom you will see in families, in the church, in the world... Lets do this right. fATHER be with us.
I read today in a book by Jake Colsen that in this kingdom you really do get what you seek (seems to be common knowledge for most of us). I read that is the point of the whole thing. If you desire a true relationship with gOD, you will receive it. As it was written in this book, Most of us would ask "Then why don't I have it? I thought that is what I have been seeking all along". In this book the response to the question was "No doubt, it might have been at first. But this works the other way around as well. If you look at what you've ended up with, then you will know what you have really been seeking!"
What have you ended up with? In my case I have ended up with a life full of a repeated pattern of stumbling and getting back up only to stumble again, a life full of deception, and a mask that still exists in more ways than I would like to admit. I would like to say that my desire was to have an intimate relationship with gOD, free from the veils that blind me from seeing hIM fully. Obviously deception has crept in somewhere, if it was not already present.
I desired a heart focused towards the fATHER and nothing else. In the beginning of my walk my heart may have been slightly correct. I say this because my desires and what I received were very similar. However somewhere in between then and now my heart has put a desire on something else. This goes to show just how deceived we are.
So I ask again, and this time think about what this means, do you believe gOD gives us the desires of our hearts? If so you realize that the desires of our heart are not as pure as they were thought to be. I encourage you to take this truth and ask gOD to examine your heart. Don't settle for less and don't let anything stand that has not been tested by gOD. Take sometime out and truly ask yourself the tough questions like what DO you stand for? What are your desires? Lets ask gOD to repair this place in all of us. Lets ask hIM to rip the veils once again.
Imagine the effect of a people like David, a people truly after the heart of gOD. Imagine the freedom you will see in families, in the church, in the world... Lets do this right. fATHER be with us.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Run fast.... Keep running.
What is the effect of compromise? What is the effect of knowingly slowing your pursuit towards gOD?
One thing Robyn has spoke into me that I remember is when she told me that compromise ALWAYS takes you further than you want to go. Those words have become true to me. In the time it was spoken my pride kept me from coming to a realization of this truth. Now, more than six months later, I can look back on all the times I allowed just a small compromise in my life, and see what that compromise ended up being.
Compromise has taken me deep, real deep... Deeper than I ever wanted to go. In fact every time I backslide I can examine what happened and directly relate it to a compromise in my life. It makes me wonder if it is even possible to backslide without some form of compromise...?
Compromise will take YOU deep as well. Nobody can be exempt from the effects of compromise. The best thing you can do is stop NOW. So if the words you are reading come across as true to you, I encourage you to stop, examine yourself, find the small compromises you have accepted, and decide to no longer let those slip in... no matter how small they seem to be. If What you are reading seems false, swallow the pride and read again. Don't be discouraged but instead run fast and keep running......................YeeE HaaWww!
One thing Robyn has spoke into me that I remember is when she told me that compromise ALWAYS takes you further than you want to go. Those words have become true to me. In the time it was spoken my pride kept me from coming to a realization of this truth. Now, more than six months later, I can look back on all the times I allowed just a small compromise in my life, and see what that compromise ended up being.
Compromise has taken me deep, real deep... Deeper than I ever wanted to go. In fact every time I backslide I can examine what happened and directly relate it to a compromise in my life. It makes me wonder if it is even possible to backslide without some form of compromise...?
Compromise will take YOU deep as well. Nobody can be exempt from the effects of compromise. The best thing you can do is stop NOW. So if the words you are reading come across as true to you, I encourage you to stop, examine yourself, find the small compromises you have accepted, and decide to no longer let those slip in... no matter how small they seem to be. If What you are reading seems false, swallow the pride and read again. Don't be discouraged but instead run fast and keep running......................YeeE HaaWww!
Friday, August 3, 2007
† Peace †
Peace will not come out of a clash of arms but out of justice lived and done by unarmed nations in the face of odds. -Gandhi
Thursday, August 2, 2007
A desire for traction.
gOD...beyond exposing me, move me past the "naked" state...
Being exposed before you and my loved ones is not good enough, for the ones who I love can see right through me as it is...
Teach me what to do in the exposure...
No more compromise. No more fassads... No more running... Change me with your exposing light.
I know all things will be tested by your flame. Let me hold strong while I am stripped of all that is not of you and I ask that by your grace something will be left standing. So be it.
Being exposed before you and my loved ones is not good enough, for the ones who I love can see right through me as it is...
Teach me what to do in the exposure...
No more compromise. No more fassads... No more running... Change me with your exposing light.
I know all things will be tested by your flame. Let me hold strong while I am stripped of all that is not of you and I ask that by your grace something will be left standing. So be it.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
How far will gOD go to capture the hearts of his children? How crazy do things look with our natural eyes, when gOD really is walking out an unimaginable perfectly divine plan? I know gODs plan for my life has involved many crazy things that I trust are for the best of me but I could never even begin to understand how. I will explain a certain situation to attempt to explain the divinity that I dont understand... lol
My mom decided to go to a Christmas party about 5 or 6 years back. At this party she met a man who about 2 years later, would become my legal stepfather. Although when I look back at this event I could easily say this was one of the worst decisions my mom has ever made, I believe gOD watched it with a smile.
The relationship before the marriage was horrible in my eyes. Keep in mind, my eyes do not see what gOD sees. The police were at my house about 25 days of the average month because of the problems associated with this relationship. Things got worse during the time of the marriage, my family moved over 20 times a year and most of my nights me and my brother spent on survival mode to protect myself and my family (I developed a nasty sleeping disorder that gOD has brought healing to).
Eventually my brother and I got onto the offensive side and did many horrible things to my stepfather. In May 2005 the police (who knew us very well and established relationships with my family) advised that we move out of the state (moving from the city did not make things any better). Most of my family lived in Florida, and the decision was made to once again pack up our things and go.
With $1400, a week, and all of our belongings, we moved over 600 miles to Seminole, FL. Here in Florida I got involved with John Collins (he was not yet saved) who smoked me out so I would attend the youth group at his church. At this church I gave my life over to Jesus and have been walking out this new way of life for about a year and a half.
My life was what I would call HORRIBLE, and gOD used every detail of my past to bring me to a life of submission to Him as His child! Even now my family is as wild as it has been in the past and things happen every day that I can not see any good or gOD in.
But, we all MUST remember that gODs plan is always in action and he WILL see you through the tough and easy situations. He is gOD and he is divine no matter what is going on in your life. Situations just are. They are in gODs plan. They are covered by gOD. They are for the good of his kingdom. Trust him through the tough and the easy. He knows what He is doing in my life even when I dont believe this truth, and He knows what He is doing in yours too. He just wants your heart through it all.
My mom decided to go to a Christmas party about 5 or 6 years back. At this party she met a man who about 2 years later, would become my legal stepfather. Although when I look back at this event I could easily say this was one of the worst decisions my mom has ever made, I believe gOD watched it with a smile.
The relationship before the marriage was horrible in my eyes. Keep in mind, my eyes do not see what gOD sees. The police were at my house about 25 days of the average month because of the problems associated with this relationship. Things got worse during the time of the marriage, my family moved over 20 times a year and most of my nights me and my brother spent on survival mode to protect myself and my family (I developed a nasty sleeping disorder that gOD has brought healing to).
Eventually my brother and I got onto the offensive side and did many horrible things to my stepfather. In May 2005 the police (who knew us very well and established relationships with my family) advised that we move out of the state (moving from the city did not make things any better). Most of my family lived in Florida, and the decision was made to once again pack up our things and go.
With $1400, a week, and all of our belongings, we moved over 600 miles to Seminole, FL. Here in Florida I got involved with John Collins (he was not yet saved) who smoked me out so I would attend the youth group at his church. At this church I gave my life over to Jesus and have been walking out this new way of life for about a year and a half.
My life was what I would call HORRIBLE, and gOD used every detail of my past to bring me to a life of submission to Him as His child! Even now my family is as wild as it has been in the past and things happen every day that I can not see any good or gOD in.
But, we all MUST remember that gODs plan is always in action and he WILL see you through the tough and easy situations. He is gOD and he is divine no matter what is going on in your life. Situations just are. They are in gODs plan. They are covered by gOD. They are for the good of his kingdom. Trust him through the tough and the easy. He knows what He is doing in my life even when I dont believe this truth, and He knows what He is doing in yours too. He just wants your heart through it all.
WOW! LOL! No words to describe how GOD is moving in this place.
Really. . . No words. . . but I can try.
Ok... so yesterday we got a small tour of the property we will be working on. This is honestly by far the most beautiful place I have ever seen or even imagined. The pictures taken can show only a small amount of the beauty. After the tour we all started working on making grooves for the roof support. Some of us went off and started cleaning the steel beams that were going to be used for the roof support. A lot of the day was spent working.
It may not sound that great but it was sooo much opportunity to really connect with the people of the village. GOD's grace has really sped up the building of relationships in Panimaquin. By GOD's grace I have been able to get to know people when I don't even speak the same language.
I forgot to mention this but after we arrived a church service was held and we were able to worship with the people and pray over them (we also spoke on stage individually). After the work as done we had a discussion/prayer and went to sleep (sooo many details left out).
TODAY we all prayed this morning and went to work soon afterwards. Work was great and a lot got done. We finished early and played with the children for awhile. After eating and a little more work we went back to Bernard's for dinner. The village held a campfire at 7:00. I did not expect to be touched like what happened, just fellowship and marshmallows. We arrived a little late (7:30) and Jon Newhall led worship.
After worship we each shared our testimony. Jon Newhall shared a word about the value of GOD and opened up a prayer for everyone who showed up. Surprisingly we all were loudly praying and proclaiming the word of GOD. People began to pant rapidly, fall out on the ground, and shake violently (lol a little scary). The presence of GOD was more powerful than anything I have ever witnessed.
Really. . . No words. . . but I can try.
Ok... so yesterday we got a small tour of the property we will be working on. This is honestly by far the most beautiful place I have ever seen or even imagined. The pictures taken can show only a small amount of the beauty. After the tour we all started working on making grooves for the roof support. Some of us went off and started cleaning the steel beams that were going to be used for the roof support. A lot of the day was spent working.
It may not sound that great but it was sooo much opportunity to really connect with the people of the village. GOD's grace has really sped up the building of relationships in Panimaquin. By GOD's grace I have been able to get to know people when I don't even speak the same language.
I forgot to mention this but after we arrived a church service was held and we were able to worship with the people and pray over them (we also spoke on stage individually). After the work as done we had a discussion/prayer and went to sleep (sooo many details left out).
TODAY we all prayed this morning and went to work soon afterwards. Work was great and a lot got done. We finished early and played with the children for awhile. After eating and a little more work we went back to Bernard's for dinner. The village held a campfire at 7:00. I did not expect to be touched like what happened, just fellowship and marshmallows. We arrived a little late (7:30) and Jon Newhall led worship.
After worship we each shared our testimony. Jon Newhall shared a word about the value of GOD and opened up a prayer for everyone who showed up. Surprisingly we all were loudly praying and proclaiming the word of GOD. People began to pant rapidly, fall out on the ground, and shake violently (lol a little scary). The presence of GOD was more powerful than anything I have ever witnessed.
Monday, July 30, 2007
I was in prayer with JC, Alicia, and D Walters when I realized that in my salvation and in my walk with GOD that HIS grace is much more present than I can even begin to imagine.
In the event of my salvation, when I truly turned my heart over to Christ (debatable) I came to the realization that nobody I ever heard of actually went after GOD to receive this gift, this is true in my case as well. I never turned my eyes and my heart to Christ. I never chased after a life with him. It was in a simple glance, just a small glance of GOD that Christ rushed into my heart.
In my case, I can go as far as saying that it was not out of choice, but GOD planted a desire in my heart so strong that I gave him a glance (not knowing who or where I was looking to) and in that movement, my life was redeemed by the grace of GOD. It is an amazing thought that GOD so desired to be with me and in me, he was waiting for just a glance at Him that he controlled in one way or another, so that he could rescue me.
It was a Wednesday night and I was at church for the youth group (which I only began to attend in the first place because JC smoked with me before we went)(he got saved that week!). It happened to be the one night out of the month that leadership decided to hold a game night for the youth instead of a normal service. Considering I was extremely stoned, the game night idea was not my favorite.
Dazed and Confused I sat aside while others ran around enjoying the dodge ball game. I remember D Sparks confronted me to ask why I was not playing. Of course I used an excuse because I could not tell him I was stoned (does not usually work too well with leadership). As he walked away something clicked in me (I do not have the slightest clue as to why or how) and I realized just who I really was in my most broken state. That's just when GOD answered the question that had not yet been asked. Who can do all that needed to be done in my life? GOD said "I can".
Instantly I came to a realization that my whole life was empty without HIM, and I was forced to accept what was true, and right, and just. That was about the time my knees gave out and every muscle in my body was suddenly in GOD's control. I ended up half-way crawling out the back door of the gym. Pastor Andrew and David Sparks (they saw everything unfold) were immediately following and praying over me.
Never that night did I choose to follow GOD. Never did I choose to follow GOD. Never did I "accept" Christ out of my free will. GOD's want for me to be with Him and His everlasting grace snatched me from the darkness I called home. It is by His grace that I pray to the same GOD that took over 2 years back. It is by His grace that we are not consumed by the fires of Hell. It is by His grace we are saved.
In You I am found.
In the event of my salvation, when I truly turned my heart over to Christ (debatable) I came to the realization that nobody I ever heard of actually went after GOD to receive this gift, this is true in my case as well. I never turned my eyes and my heart to Christ. I never chased after a life with him. It was in a simple glance, just a small glance of GOD that Christ rushed into my heart.
In my case, I can go as far as saying that it was not out of choice, but GOD planted a desire in my heart so strong that I gave him a glance (not knowing who or where I was looking to) and in that movement, my life was redeemed by the grace of GOD. It is an amazing thought that GOD so desired to be with me and in me, he was waiting for just a glance at Him that he controlled in one way or another, so that he could rescue me.
It was a Wednesday night and I was at church for the youth group (which I only began to attend in the first place because JC smoked with me before we went)(he got saved that week!). It happened to be the one night out of the month that leadership decided to hold a game night for the youth instead of a normal service. Considering I was extremely stoned, the game night idea was not my favorite.
Dazed and Confused I sat aside while others ran around enjoying the dodge ball game. I remember D Sparks confronted me to ask why I was not playing. Of course I used an excuse because I could not tell him I was stoned (does not usually work too well with leadership). As he walked away something clicked in me (I do not have the slightest clue as to why or how) and I realized just who I really was in my most broken state. That's just when GOD answered the question that had not yet been asked. Who can do all that needed to be done in my life? GOD said "I can".
Instantly I came to a realization that my whole life was empty without HIM, and I was forced to accept what was true, and right, and just. That was about the time my knees gave out and every muscle in my body was suddenly in GOD's control. I ended up half-way crawling out the back door of the gym. Pastor Andrew and David Sparks (they saw everything unfold) were immediately following and praying over me.
Never that night did I choose to follow GOD. Never did I choose to follow GOD. Never did I "accept" Christ out of my free will. GOD's want for me to be with Him and His everlasting grace snatched me from the darkness I called home. It is by His grace that I pray to the same GOD that took over 2 years back. It is by His grace that we are not consumed by the fires of Hell. It is by His grace we are saved.
In You I am found.
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