Monday, September 3, 2007

We kill ourselves. Rise up.

Just thinking today and wondering why we always choose the second best... Why do we choose the second best? Its like we are offered a new BMW for twenty dollars or a bicycle for free. The choice should be a very easy one to make. I mean gOD offers us the heavens and all that is in it. gOD offers us a paradise beyond imagination. gOD offers us a love that cannot be explained or even taken in full. gOD offers us a relationship with him... The creator of everything... The reason we live and breathe each day.

The world offers us a false and temporary happiness that we must pay for in one way or another. The world offers a broken family, drug addicted loved ones, you and everyone around you deceived into thinking things are dandy while you sit with a place so empty that you would sell yourself for sex, or load your body with mind altering drugs just so you dont have to cope with reality. So why is the choice so often horribly made?

I say damn this world. Damn the systems that have my loved ones striving for breath. Damn the false happiness this world offers for the price of your very life. Rise up Wesley. Don't settle for this crap. Don't conform to the pattern of this broken society. Rise up Wesley. Rise up. You are a child of gOD. A child to a perfect father. We must accept hIM. Who cares if it takes a little obedience. You obey Satan or gOD anyways... so choose one. I say right now to myself and anyone else with a open ear, don't settle for this world. Don't settle. Don't settle. Don't settle. Choose to follow, and to do it radically.

fATHER give us strength. Reveal to us reality. Reveal to us your value. Sorry I cannot write more. I realize I speak to myself with this passage. Help me gOD.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! Your so right!
I DO NOT want to settle for the world. And boy o boy i had been consideing it lately. I mean look at Jesus, He is our reward and i would seriously want to settle for something like attention that lasts for about 5 minutes then people turn there heads. Then whats left? nothing.
We need the mindset of eternity. Thanks wes. Btw, i would like to talk to you about something sometime.
Father, let everyone who comes in contact with wes see You because the way he lives his life. Thank you Father, make Him like You. amen

Robyn said...

You said damn.

Nah, seriously, beautiful post.

Thank you for the reminders. May we all wake up to the reality of Him and His Kingdom.

Lisa said...

Stay strong, Wesley. God is beautiful and so are His plans and His people. Your faith will get you through, and so will your love. I pray that you will see God's hand at work again and that you will be filled with His joy.

evets said...

That is a great post. It really hit home. Yes, I wish I would have known many of those things before so I wouldn't have had to go through many years of my life lost and without Him.

Sometimes you can't recognize what is in front of you when it is right there. IT can hit you upside the head like a 2x4 and you can step back and say that hurt but go back to the same thing you were doing.

I know, it happened to me. I kept getting up and then finally one day I laid there and said to myself, I don't want to hurt anymore and I don't like that 2x4 on my head. That is when I turned it over to Him.

Deep trauma in my early teens were what started the spiral for me that lasted many years. Sometimes the harder they fall, the higher they will bounce back up when they get saved.

You have been given a gift and you are such an example. Sometimes it is hard to explain that gift and help others to get it when you are sooo close to them, i.e family.

Been there and done that and finally realized along with support from the church family that it was not my job, it was HIS and there could be others that could work in my family's life.

He used me in other ways to bring people to the Lord as I continued to pray for them and YES, they finally came to Him!!!!

Hang in there and listen to what He has in store for you!

Unknown said...

Yo Wesley! Being a big Bimmer fan, I could not agree more- pick the BMW! No seriously...Let's forsake the legitimate pleasures of this world for the EXTREME PLEASURES of knowing God!! Keep rising up bro!