Thursday, August 2, 2007

A desire for traction.

gOD...beyond exposing me, move me past the "naked" state...

Being exposed before you and my loved ones is not good enough, for the ones who I love can see right through me as it is...

Teach me what to do in the exposure...

No more compromise. No more fassads... No more running... Change me with your exposing light.

I know all things will be tested by your flame. Let me hold strong while I am stripped of all that is not of you and I ask that by your grace something will be left standing. So be it.


Robyn said...

You have a voice of truth.

You're right... Exposure is great, however, it is our RESPONSE to exposure that is key.

Just like conviction, it is how we respond to conviction that truly matters.

When we respond positively our heart remains tender and soft to the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

I pray for pure hearts before Him and each other as we venture on. I pray for humility and surrender as the Creator refines us.

Anonymous said...

man, this really spoke to me.
very very good point.

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear you saying these kind of things.