Monday, July 7, 2008

A look back...

This past week has been a big one for me. I must say this week has been a hard one for me as well. I have taken a lot of time to think about a lot of things. I have taken a look at the things I have slacked on recently and I have taken a look at the things that I should have given less attention to. There are some things that I would like to share, in hope that it would encourage you all as it has encouraged me.

Most of the people I spend my time with know a lot about my past. They know the things I was involved in and the things that meant the world to me. Drugs enveloped my mind and my actions. Lust for the things of this world was stronger than I can even recognize at this point.

As I took a look back at that life, my heart began to pound and I became instantly nauseous. I was shocked. I was shocked to the point that my immediate reaction was that of disgust and the first thought that came to my head was something like this... "I could never live that life again. Never, ever, ever, again."

At this point I am so filled with gladness because it has been a while since I have taken the time to slow down and see what my Father has taken me from... I have been delivered from sure destruction. That idea can usually be tossed around quite easily with me to be completely honest (not something I am proud of). It can be tossed around because I have rarely taken the time to slow down enough for that reality to set in. Right now, in this moment, that reality has me stunned.

I thank you Father for the Grace you have consistently extended to me. I thank you Father for being my Redeemer, my Savior, my Leader, my Father who has loved me in my time of need. I thank you Jesus for shedding your blood so that I can be free from my prison.

Father let me never again begin to lose sight of who you have been and what you really mean to me. Amen.


Lisa said...

That's really awesome, Wes. It's so amazing to see how God's done so much in you.

I sometimes get the same way, where I forget where I've come from. Sometimes it's because I try to avoid dealing with the the old ways that I still do things (like thinking patterns, 'little' struggles, and so on).

God deserves to be thanked for all that He has done in all of us.

I'm glad you've been reflecting on this!

I would like to encourage you to continue to walk strong. All that stuff that used to be you, is not you. You're beautiful.

Remember who you are, whose you are, and where you are going.

Robyn said...

wes, wes, wesssssss.... ya got two things to catch up on, my friend.

your testimony and ya guatemala musings.

"SO GET WIT IT!" famous midnight star quote


Robyn said...
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Lisa said...